Whether you're a high school or middle school student who has never attended live theatre, or you have a physical disability - such as mobility issues, severe hearing or vision loss - or someone in your family is on the autism spectrum, TDF has programs and services to break the barriers to attending the theatre! So thank you for your loyal patronage at TKTS and remember, you're not only on your way to a show, the memory of which may stay with you the rest of your life, but you are also helping someone else have that experience. It supports a host of programs that bring theatre to many people beyond those of you in line. The $7.00 per ticket service fee (significantly lower than all online sales outlets) doesn't just cover the costs of operating TKTS. What you may not know is that TKTS is part of a larger entity, TDF, a not-for-profit organization.
When you purchase at TKTS, you know your seat locations and know exactly what you are paying for. AVAILABLE DISCOUNT TICKET OPTIONS As of October 2022, there is only one way to get daily, discounted tickets to The Lion King: through an online lottery. However, as you will see in the next section, you can get tickets for just 30. TKTS has been here in Times Square for over 40 years, offering the widest selection of discount tickets. Weekends or Friday night show prices begin at 120 for mezzanine seating to 240 for premium orchestra seating. Everyone knows that purchasing tickets at TKTS is the best way to get affordable tickets to Broadway and Off Broadway shows.